Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Take that piece of paper where you've written down the five things you want for your life. Put it somewhere you will see it every day--a fridge, a wall, a mirror, the car. It's probably best to not show or tell everyone because often times when people know what you are aiming or, they will try and stop you. But the universe is on your side and it will make a way for you. The best place for your list is in your wallet or purse where you can take it out each day and begin to see how quickly your life will change. Protect it like it's your destiny.

I'm about to reveal to you what has been hidden and known by the few over the ages. Are you ready?

Every morning when you wake up, the first thing you need to do is take out that list.

Say out loud: I have set a vision for my life and these are the five things in order of importance that I am asking for my life.

Read your list out loud.

After you are finished, say these words: Oh, Eternal Government, I thank you for giving me the assistance I need each and every day to accomplish the vision I have set for my life. In great humility I ask for wisdom to make the choices to effectively master that which I have set out with great diligence and growing in excellence. I am not setting limitations on your provisions and I accept also that which is better and flowing with abundance in great wealth and riches. I thank you for the power to control my own thoughts and I accept the divine help that comes my way to achieve all that I desire.

Soon, you will begin to see and take the necessary steps you need to make this vision become a reality in your life.

Make sure to use the contact form with any questions you have and I will do my best to respond. Also, Follow by email and join the Manifested Life group where I will show you how to help others make their dreams come true and earn an income by doing what you love. You will also receive biweekly updates with new hidden tools and secrets!!